About The Esoteric Wanderer

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"When religious dissent is treated as political treason, it is no longer monotheism but authoritarianism that is practiced."
-Bruce Lawrence

This blog is a two-headed creature feature provided to visitors by a mysterious individual named A.R. Veridis for the following reasons:

1.) To share the story of being raised in a New Religious Movement-and the "esoteric wandering" that resulted from an escape into the secular world.

2.) To provide varying perspectives focused on religious extremism currently on the rise in the U.S through the lens of multiple studies.

Often, the idea of wandering has a bad stigma. However, there is really something engaging about this way of being. Aleister Crowley, in his Book of the Law said "Every man and every woman is a Star".

While a remarkable statement, some may have an understanding of what is meant by Crowley's judgement of humanity. For others, it is a deep and calculating way to begin relations with their own higher self.

So, it is intended that you find it interesting here because the general idea is that the life written herein was not and is not an easy one. While we all struggle at one time or another, the stories, experiences, and ideas brought forth within this blog were not discovered because of comfort, compassion, and great choices-and in fact, pain and suffering, difficulties and hardships often make for engaging narratives we can all relate to.

We all wander to discover that about ourselves we did not know, and life reveals those hidden lessons necessary for growth, change, and a greater ability to connect with others on a similar path-this is what being human is about-a connection-and nobody escapes this destiny. We all want to be whole individuals, however this is often not a clear conscious idea, so we have stories that convey the message despite ourselves.

If this wandering path called life is about the human condition and destiny-there is an infinite wellspring of hope and despair after all no matter how difficult, easy, conscious, or mindless such a life is lived. This experience is multi-faceted,  and deep with information, wanted or not.

The idea here is what is done with the information given during the process of living. Take it all-make it as honest as possible, and through the wandering tell stories, leaving nothing out. Tell what has been found not in the answers, but what is left in the mystery of life that allows for individual authenticity.

This is after all, the home of the Esoteric Wanderer-take the map that has been given and if it has not been done before now, walk lightly, but in the end be whole, be authentic and consciously share so that others may also reveal the benefits of discovering their story as a part of the human experience.